The planet earth is one of the most beautiful in its universe. Seasons take their character to the landscape, the alert photographer can capture its beauty through the lens for our interpretation.
The love of photographing nature in its edible colour texture vibrancy simplicity, the beauty of eating. All are photographed in available sunlight reflected absorbed or diffused. Food in all forms is at its best, in the morning /day /evening light .
The original form of photography.
Photos are simply to convey the photographic eye of life around us, everyday in an honest real interpretation in our life, environment community.
The earliest form of photography.
Life as seen through the camera's eye caught in a moment in time to capture the quirks of life, that second, where human nature is frozen in time for us to reflect, ponder or simply have a laugh at ourselves.
A style in photography sets us apart. These are a balance in full frame, brought to you and captured by the camera. Everything is possible, as all the required elements come together in a full blown photo. This simply represents an image required by the observer, with all the delights a photo can bring with its own individual style.
Probably the most indulgent where the photographer can interpret their environment at will, and share the image with the viewers. This photography is a matter of the heart not the intellect.
Peoples faces are fascinating for photography, a telling reminder of how different and yet similar we are. The preference is natural light, to connect with your subject, trust they will reveal their true nature to the eyes of the world.
The clothing interpretation of the day, that creates our desired image. Image is everything. Become not clones, enjoy the individuality of wearing expression in your own style and manner.
To take the viewer on the journey in our suitcase and show you the world around us. In every shape and form how different we all are. Yet we all need to have the same rituals everyday. Eat drink work life our everyday chores done in so many different ways.
Perhaps the most happy day of our life.
A reportage approach is taken to capture magical moments of a truly memorable day. This can be given in a tasteful personalised book all images given to the couple.